Sunday, October 3, 2010

Stanley Kubrik

One of the most highly regarded directors spanning several decades, Staney Kubrik was a powerful and versatile director throughout Hollywood history. However, it is important to take special note of his films produced within the 1960's, many of which are his greatest works. During this time, Kubrik produced classics such as Dr. Strangelove and 2001: A Space Odysssey, movies whose themes say a lot about the feelings and worries of the time that Bob Dylan was simultaneously referring to in his music.

Dr. Strangelove and 2001 both deserve mention because their plots and themes are a reflection of the 60's itself. While Strangelove is direct in it's response to US/Soviet Union relations, 2001 portrays the feelings of the people more subtly by making major characters such as Hal 9000 into metaphors for various important figures of the decade. These movies relate to people's feelings of doubt and uncertainty towards the government and society, feelings that Dylan was also preaching about in his own music.

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