In regards to the 60's, this article summarizes the decade as owing to Hollywood's bias toward more "melodramatic, sentimental, celebrated inspirational religious and spiritual," movies. Naturally, this over-the-top style of movies lends itself naturally to movies that are highly unrealistic and have little truth to them. This idea is certainly enforced by the advent of science fiction movies, such as 2001: a Space Odyssey, which became popular in the 60's. Given the advent of such styles of film, when compared to the silent, simple types of movies that were so popular in earlier decades, many people viewed the movies of the 60's as ridiculous and absurd. It is this absurdness that Bob Dylan expressed his anger against when he accused Hollywood of being fake and silly in his interviews.
"History of Hollywood: 1895-1960's." Thinkquest, n.d. Web. 31 Oct 2010.